What is Multistreaming — How to do Real-Time Multistreaming with OneStream Live?

Real-Time Multistreaming with OneStream Live

The live streaming industry has grown exponentially ever since the COVID-19 pandemic became a deeply-rooted reality of the global landscape. Be it medicine, education, business, entertainment, sports, or any other industry, every facet of everyday life has been impacted by the continually growing trend of live streaming.

OneStream Live has aced the rapidly expanding market with its state-of-the-art multistreaming feature, allowing users to broadcast both pre-recorded and real-time live streams to more than 40 social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Twitch and Vimeo, and the web simultaneously.

In this Article:

📻What is Multistreaming?

What is multistreaming?

Multistreaming is the art of live streaming your videos on multiple platforms simultaneously. Think of it as an algorithm that allows you to give one command to access different datasets. In electronic terms, you might have heard of series circuits. Technically speaking, these circuits allow you to give one input that gets distributed evenly to all the different devices or instruments connected to it. Multistreaming works on a similar principle. You input one video to your OneStream Dashboard, connect and select all the desired social accounts you want to simulcast your video to, and hit Live. Your live stream will broadcast on all the connected accounts simultaneously with a single click. Not only social media, but you can also embed your streams on your website using OneStream Live’s Embed Player, expanding your outreach a million times. Even more interesting is that you can multistream pre-recorded videos, go live in real-time using any external RTMP Source, or go live from the browser using OneStream Studio to all your desired destinations – the sky’s the limit.

Read More: Simulcasting: The Ultimate Guide to Multistreaming

📺How Does Multistreaming Work?

There are two ways you can multistream your videos to more than one platform. You can either send multiple streams from your encoder or use a cloud-based live streaming service like OneStream Live to send the streams for you. When you opt-in for the latter, you don’t need to worry about having enough bandwidth or a powerful enough computer to multistream. OneStream makes things super easy. With real-time live streaming, you can send your streams to OneStream using any third-party tool like OBS, Zoom, XSplit, etc., and multicast seamlessly to your connected social accounts. For pre-recorded multistreaming, you simply need to connect and select your desired accounts, upload your videos and go live. Interestingly, you can also create a playlist of pre-recorded videos and schedule them to multistream as live streams on your preferred platforms at your preferred date and time. You can go live directly from your browser using OneStream Studio and multistream on 40+ social platforms and the web.

That said, you need not worry about the quality of your live streams when multistreaming on multiple platforms. OneStream Live allows Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) Streaming to adjust the quality of your video broadcasts according to the size of the client device while overcoming the worrisome concern of internet bandwidth and buffering.

🧑‍💻Who Should Multistream?

Multistreaming is for anyone and everyone. Whether you’re a large-scale business organization, a digital marketer, a solo entrepreneur, a gamer, a musician, an educationist, a podcaster, or an individual content creator, you can leverage multistreaming to grow your outreach and increase your audience base.

📅What are the Benefits of Multistreaming?

🔖Increased Reach

When you multicast your video content on more than one platform, you’re essentially exposing your content to a whole new audience. Done smartly and correctly, multistreaming can act as a game-changer to multiply your viewership. Marketing requires you to exploit various platforms, and multistreaming facilitates engaging multiple audiences and helps businesses outgrow their target audiences.

🔖Audience Insights

Multistreaming your videos on multiple platforms allows you to compare how your content performs on different media. You can draw meaningful insights about your target audience, understand their tastes and preferences, and identify where your audience hangs out the most. You can then tailor your live streaming strategy accordingly. For instance, if your live streams perform much better on Facebook and LinkedIn than YouTube and Twitch, you can cut out the low performers and focus on platforms where your content is doing well.


With multistreaming, you can save the hassle of downloading and reuploading your content on different social media platforms. Instead, you can multistream your videos on all these platforms simultaneously and save time. You don’t have to run through the hassle of engaging different platforms separately.

🔖Overcome Redundancies

Another reason why you should multistream is to overcome redundancies. If one platform has issues, it doesn’t mean your live stream has to suffer. You can still broadcast your content on other media with flexibility, and your viewers can switch over. This also covers the censorship concerns. Even if your content is far from controversial, your streams might still be shut down without notice. Although you can inquire and appeal, your event will still be ruined. With multistreaming, you have all your options open. So even if your stream is struck on one platform, you can still broadcast your content on others without a hitch.

🚀Why Multistream with OneStream Live?

Here’s why you should multicast with the best multistreaming platform OneStream Live:

✌️Seamless multistreaming to more than 40 social media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Twitch – the largest assortment of social media any other cloud-based live streaming service has yet to offer.

✌️Multistream directly from the browser using OneStream Studio.

✌️Embed your live streams on your website to tap on the widest possible audience.

✌️Enjoy live unified chat during multistreaming, accessing all your chats in one window.

✌️Multistream to networks through RTMP streaming, streaming beyond limits to all platforms that don’t integrate with OneStream directly.

✌️Unlimited ABR streaming with uncompromised quality and no bandwidth issues.

✌️Multistreaming of pre-recorded content in the form of playlists to go live on your required date and time and the preferred time zones. You can schedule these playlists well in advance to make things smooth and seamless.

✌️Add guests to your live streams and influence your audience with esteemed guests.

✌️Share your Screen or Media in the live stream to make them appealing and striking.

✌️Boost your sales with Live Sales feature.

✌️Bring all your chat in one place with the Live Chat feature.

✌️Brand your live streams with amazing branding tools such as Custom Virtual Backgrounds, Tickers, Logo, Visual effects, and so much more.

✌️Record your live streams and live stream them at your desired time.

What’s the wait for!


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OneStream Live is a cloud-based live streaming solution to create, schedule, and multistream professional-looking live streams across 45+ social media platforms and the web simultaneously. For content-related queries and feedback, write to us at [email protected]. You’re also welcome to Write for Us!

Picture of Saba Mohsin
Saba Mohsin
Saba is the Digital Marketing Manager at OneStream Live. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies, and a fusion of tech-savvy brilliance and narrative flair, she crafts compelling digital narratives that keep readers on the edge of their screens.


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