Church Live Streaming
Made Easy

Connect with your community anytime, anywhere. Spread your message, worship together, raise funds and multistream your religious services worldwide with our easy to use, all-in-one live streaming solution.

    *No credit card required. No service fee applied.

    Grow your ministry and spread
    your message worldwide

    Worship Together
    Expand your Outreach
    Connect your Community


    Broadcast pre-recorded sessions

    Upload & schedule recorded church services, create playlists and play videos on loop.

    Go live in real time

    Connect professional RTMP encoders or go live using Live Studio.

    Build customised webpage

    Create personalised webpage for your church live streams.

    Custom or unique domain

    Set up a unique name for your webpage or use your own custom domain.

    Web embedding

    Embed your prayer sessions on your Church website or anywhere on the web.

    Social media sharing

    Broadcast your conventions on multiple social platforms simultaneously.

    Invite participants

    Conduct one-on-one sessions with pastors or religious leaders.

    Live Chat

    Talk to hurting people, spotlight comments and engage with your community.

    Raise funds

    Promote the idea of Online Giving with customisable CTAs.

    No distractions

    Share your gospel message without any distractions or interruptions.

    No software installations

    Live stream directly from your desktop browser or smartphone via mobile app.

    Adaptable for all viewers

    Offer a smooth watch experience with ABR streaming regardless of viewers’ screen size or internet connection.

    Take Your Church Live Streaming

    to the Next Level


    Learn from the Stats

    Live stream the message of God to engage in meaningful worship and fellowship across geographic boundaries.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Have any Questions?

    Church streaming makes worship accessible to a broader and geographically diverse congregation, fostering inclusivity and connection.

    OneStream Live is compatible with all major RTMP encoders including OBS, XSplit, Zoom, Wirecast, and Ecamm Live.

    Yes, OneStream Live allows you to schedule your church services in advance, so you can set it and forget it. You can schedule your streams up to 60 days in advance.

    With OneStream Live, you can broadcast non-stop church live streams via RTMP encoder and pre-recorded streaming both.

    Yes, OneStream Live allows you to can add creative overlays, backgrounds, logos, banners and tickers, intros and outros, and even create multiple camera angles to enhance the visual appeal of your church service stream.

    Yes, OneStream Live Studio offers the ability to record your church services while simultaneously live streaming them.

    Ready to get started?
    Create your free account now.