The Ultimate Guide to Agency Live Streaming

Agency live streaming

Live streaming has revolutionized the way we consume and engage with content. Gone are the days of waiting for a post to be uploaded or a video to buffer. Now, we can experience real-time events, tutorials, and announcements from the comfort of our screens. But have you ever considered the power of live streaming for agencies? This dynamic technology offers agencies an unparalleled opportunity to connect with their audience, foster engagement, and redefine how they communicate and market themselves. In this blog, we will delve into the incredible potential of agency live streaming, exploring its myriad benefits, best practices, creative ideas, and more. So, get ready to unlock the potential of agency live streaming like never before!

In this Article:

🎥 Introduction to Agency Live Streaming

Live streaming for agencies refers to the practice of using live video streaming as a marketing or promotional tool by agencies to reach and engage with their target audience. It involves broadcasting live content over the internet to platforms like social media, websites, or dedicated streaming platforms. Live streaming agencies specialize in creating and managing live video content for various purposes, including brand promotions, events, product launches, and more. These agencies often collaborate with influencers, content creators, and businesses to enhance their messaging and reach a wider audience through live video.

🌟 Benefits of Agency Live Streaming

📣 Amplified Reach and Audience Engagement 

Live streaming for agencies allows you to connect with a broader audience in real-time, increasing your reach and engagement. Live interactions, comments, and Q&A sessions can foster a stronger connection with your audience.

Read More: How to Engage Maximum Audience During a Live Stream? An Ultimate Guide

💰 Cost-Effective Marketing and Advertising 

Live streaming is often more affordable than traditional advertising methods. It eliminates the need for expensive production and post-production processes, making it a cost-effective marketing strategy.

📈 Enhanced Brand Visibility and Awareness

Live streams create buzz and excitement around your brand. They help build and maintain brand visibility, which is crucial in a competitive market.

🤹‍♂️ Greater Flexibility and Adaptability 

Live streaming can be adapted for various purposes, from product launches to behind-the-scenes glimpses. This adaptability allows you to address different goals and objectives.

💼 Increased Lead Generation and Conversion Rates 

Engaging live content can drive leads and conversions. Calls to action during live streams can guide viewers to take specific actions, such as signing up for newsletters or making purchases.

🔍 Real-Time Data Analytics and Insights 

Live streaming platforms provide real-time data on viewer demographics, engagement metrics, and feedback, allowing agencies to make informed decisions on the go.

🤝 Improved Customer Relationship Management

Live streaming fosters a sense of community among your audience. It provides a platform for direct interaction, feedback, and addressing customer concerns in real-time, enhancing customer relationship management.

💡 Opportunity for Creativity and Innovation

 Live streaming encourages agencies to experiment with creative content formats, fostering innovation and keeping the audience engaged with fresh ideas.

📲 Seamless Integration with Social Media Platforms 

Agencies can leverage social media to promote live streams and interact with a broader audience. Integration with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube maximizes reach.

Read More: The Ultimate Guide for Multistreaming: How to Start Streaming on Multiple Platforms in 2023

🌳 Long-lasting Content and Evergreen Value 

Recorded live streams can be repurposed and reused as on-demand content. This extends the value of your live stream and ensures it continues to benefit your brand long after the live event has ended.

Read More: Repurpose your Live Streams: Restream Old Videos for Better Audience Outreach

💻 Popular Agency Live Streaming Platforms

Agencies looking to leverage the power of live streaming have several platforms to choose from. These platforms offer a range of features and capabilities to suit various needs. Here are some popular platforms for agency live streaming:

👉 YouTube Live: YouTube Live is a well-established platform with a vast user base. It’s suitable for agencies looking to create and host live events, webinars, and product launches. Additionally, it offers seamless integration with other Google services.

👉 Facebook Live: With its extensive user base, Facebook Live is an excellent choice for agencies looking to reach a wide and diverse audience. It’s easy to use and provides real-time engagement with viewers.

👉 Twitch: Originally known for gaming content, Twitch has expanded to cover various live streams, making it a versatile platform for agencies. It’s ideal for reaching a younger, tech-savvy audience and offers monetization options.

👉 Instagram Live: Instagram Live is perfect for agencies targeting a younger, mobile-focused audience. It’s an informal platform for sharing behind-the-scenes content, product demos, and Q&A sessions.

👉 LinkedIn Live: For B2B agencies, LinkedIn Live is a valuable platform for professional live streaming. It’s an excellent choice for webinars, thought leadership, and industry-specific content.

👉 Amazon Live: Amazon Live is a live streaming service that allows sellers to showcase their products by hosting live streams. It’s a unique platform for e-commerce agencies and brands to engage with customers in real-time, combining live video with shopping experiences.

Bonus Point: Simultaneously broadcast your live streams on the social platforms listed above and on more than 45+ additional platforms, including the web, using OneStream Live.

Read More: Top 10 Live Streaming Platforms

🏆 Best Practices for Agency Live Streaming

🗣️ Interacting with Viewers 

Interactivity is key to engaging your audience during a live stream. Respond to comments and questions in real-time, conduct Q&A sessions, and encourage viewers to participate through polls and discussions. Building a connection with your audience fosters a sense of community and keeps them engaged throughout the stream.

Pro-tip: Use OneStream Live’s chat feature, which gathers all the messages from different social platforms onto a single page. This makes it easy for you to respond and chat with viewers from one place.

📅 Creating a Content Calendar for Consistency 

Consistency is vital in keeping your audience engaged. Create a content calendar that outlines your live streaming schedule. This helps viewers know when to expect your streams, increasing the likelihood of their attendance. 

Pro-tip: Plan ahead by scheduling your live videos. This saves time and keeps your schedule steady.

🎥 Ensuring Technical Setup and Equipment 

Invest in good-quality equipment to ensure a smooth live streaming experience. This includes a reliable camera, microphone, lighting, and stable internet connection. A well-prepared technical setup enhances the professionalism of your streams.

Pro-tip: Avoid delays and video interruptions when live streaming with OneStream Live.

👥 Inviting Industry Experts

Occasionally, invite industry experts or guest speakers to your live streams. Their insights and expertise can add value to your content and attract a wider audience. Collaborative streams can bring fresh perspectives and provide valuable knowledge to your viewers.

Pro-tip: Invite as many as 10 guests to join your live streams while you’re live with OneStream Live Studio.

📈 Tracking Metrics

Use analytics tools to monitor the performance of your live streams. Track metrics like viewership, engagement, comments, shares, and conversion rates. Analyzing these data points helps you refine your content and strategy over time for better results.

Pro-tip: After you’ve finished broadcasting your event, check the statistics and data of your live stream on the OneStream Live dashboard

🎨 Establishing Branding and Visual Identity

Maintain a consistent branding and visual identity throughout your live streams. Use branded overlays, logos, and colors to make your streams easily recognizable as part of your agency’s content. This strengthens brand identity and creates a professional image.

Pro-tip: Make your live stream look striking by adding Custom virtual backgrounds, Overlays, Countdown timers, Banners, and Ticker. 

⚖️ Considering Legal and Compliance Issues 

Ensure that your live streams comply with legal and privacy regulations. Address issues like copyright, data protection, and intellectual property. This not only keeps you out of legal trouble but also builds trust with your audience.

Pro-tip: Before you start streaming on Facebook and YouTube using OneStream Live, make sure to adjust your privacy settings

💡 Ideas for Agency Live Streams

🧑‍🔬 Q&A Sessions with Experts 

Host live question and answer sessions with industry experts or your team. Viewers can ask questions, and experts provide answers, insights, and advice in real time.

📚 Hands-on Demos and Tutorials

Show how things work in practical terms. You can demonstrate your products, services, or processes live, giving your audience a step-by-step guide.

🗳️ Live Polls and Surveys

Engage your audience by running live polls and surveys during your stream. This interactive feature allows viewers to vote and share their opinions on various topics.

🎮 Interactive Games and Challenges 

Create fun and interactive games or challenges that your viewers can participate in. It’s a great way to keep the audience engaged and excited.

👀 Behind-the-Scenes Tour of Your Agency 

Take your audience on a virtual tour behind the scenes of your agency. Show them how things work, introduce your team, and give them a sneak peek into your daily operations.

🧠 Collaborative Brainstorming Sessions

Encourage creativity by hosting live brainstorming sessions. You can discuss ideas, solve problems, and involve your viewers in the creative process.

🎙️ Live Interviews with Influencers or Clients 

Conduct live interviews with industry influencers or satisfied clients. This adds credibility and provides unique insights to your audience.

🔍 Interactive Case Study Breakdowns 

Analyze real-world case studies and break them down live. This educates your audience about how you’ve tackled specific challenges or achieved success.

✏️ Live Design or Creative Workshops 

Share your creative expertise by hosting live workshops. Teach design, creativity, or other skills to your viewers in a hands-on manner.

🌐 Virtual Product Launch Events 

Launch your products or services in a grand virtual event. Create excitement, showcase features, and let your audience be the first to know about your latest offerings.

Read More: Top 10 Content Ideas for Live Streaming

📊 Agency Live Streaming Case Studies

✅ Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner is a leading social media marketing agency that helps businesses of all sizes use social media to grow their brands. In 2018, they began using live streaming to host their weekly #SocialMediaMarketingTalk Twitter chat.

The live streaming chat allows Social Media Examiner to reach a wider audience and engage with their followers in a more meaningful way. It also gives them the opportunity to share their expertise and answer questions from their followers in real time.

As a result of using live streaming, Social Media Examiner has seen a significant increase in engagement on their Twitter account. They have also seen an increase in website traffic and leads from their weekly chat.

✅ BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed is a digital media company that is known for its viral videos and articles. In 2016, they began using live streaming to produce original content for their audience.

Buzzfeed hosts a variety of live streaming shows on its website and social media channels, including cooking shows, product demonstrations, and Q&A sessions with celebrities.

Buzzfeed’s live streaming shows have been a huge success, attracting millions of viewers and generating significant sales for the company. For example, the company’s popular live cooking show “Tasty” has helped to sell millions of copies of the company’s cookbook.

✅ Peloton

Peloton, a fitness technology company, is another business that has successfully used live streaming. Peloton offers a variety of live streaming fitness classes, including cycling, running, and yoga.

Peloton’s live streaming classes have been a major factor in the company’s success. In 2021, Peloton generated over $4 billion in revenue, and the company now has over 2.5 million subscribers.

Peloton’s live streaming classes offer a number of benefits to users. First, they allow users to work out with experienced instructors in real time. Second, they provide a sense of community and motivation. And third, they are convenient and accessible. Users can stream Peloton classes from anywhere in the world, at any time of day.

✅ Alibaba

Alibaba, a Chinese e-commerce giant, has been using live streaming to sell products and engage with its customers for several years. In 2016, Alibaba launched its “Taobao Live” platform, which allows merchants to host live shopping events on the Taobao marketplace.

Taobao Live has been a huge success for Alibaba. In 2021, Taobao Live generated over $1 trillion in sales. Taobao Live has also helped Alibaba to increase brand awareness and engagement. For example, a recent Taobao Live event featuring Li Jiaqi, a popular Chinese influencer, drew over 100 million viewers.

🚀 Agency Live Streaming with OneStream Live

OneStream Live is a versatile cloud-based live streaming solution suitable for content creators, businesses, marketers, and agencies. Its multi-platform broadcasting enables users to simultaneously broadcast on popular platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Amazon Live, and over 45 other social platforms and websites.

It offers a range of products, allowing users to:

➔ Live stream pre-recorded videos.

➔ Go live using third-party RTMP encoders like OBS, Zoom, XSplit, Wirecast, Ecamm, and more.

➔ Stream directly from a web browser using OneStream Live Studio.

➔ Create customised web pages for live streaming via Hosted Live Pages

With OneStream Live, the sky’s the limit.

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OneStream Live is a cloud-based live streaming solution to create, schedule, and multistream professional-looking live streams across 45+ social media platforms and the web simultaneously. For content-related queries and feedback, write to us at [email protected]. You’re also welcome to Write for Us!

Picture of Sehar Altaf
Sehar Altaf
Sehar is an SEO and content marketing specialist and a writer who covers topics ranging from tech and SaaS to life and everything in between.


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