Repurpose your Live Streams: Restream Old Videos for Better Audience Outreach

Repurpose your live streams old content

Ever fallen in love with your content so much that you don’t want to let go of it? Maybe because it fetched such high engagement or amassed such high views that you want to pour the maximum value out of it?

We all know the amount of hard work and resources that go into delivering live streams. Although it may seem so, it’s not as simple as pressing the ‘Go Live’ button. If you want to grow your audience, you need high-quality, diversified content. Repurposing old content is a way to work smarter by presenting the same videos in new formats, allowing you to expand your outreach to current and potential audiences. This blog covers several content repurposing opportunities, why you should do it, and how!

In this Article:

📅 What is Content Repurposing?

Taking an already-produced piece of content and reformatting it for another medium or platform is referred to as the art of content repurposing. Simply put, transforming an old live stream into a blog post, an audio podcast, social media graphics, or merely restreaming it are all examples of content repurposing.

📑 Why Repurpose Old Content?

There are several reasons why should one repurpose and reuse old content:

  • Delivering the same content in new and innovative ways can help you significantly outgrow your audience.
  • It helps tap on audiences that may have initially missed out on your live streams earlier.
  • You can save the time and effort of creating new content from scratch.
  • You can capitalize upon the strong viewership of an old piece of content and leverage it to grow your audience based on its popularity.

The potential of repurposing old videos presents a goldmine of opportunities for marketers and businesses and individual content creators. For instance, consider your Minecraft gameplay live stream secured huge viewership on Twitch. So, now you can tap on your followers on YouTube and Facebook simply by repurposing and reusing the same old content. You can create a video montage of your stream, post it on these platforms, and reach out to more followers and subscribers therein.

📝 How to Repurpose Old Content?

There are numerous effective techniques to repurpose your video content. Here are some of the most popular content repurposing strategies for your live streams:

➡️Create Video Highlights

Once your live stream has ended, you can download and save a high-quality Video on Demand (VOD) and create a video featuring highlights of your stream. Later, you can upload it using any Video on Demand Platform. All you need for this is some basic trimming software and video editing skills. Cut out all the unnecessary frames to pick and choose the best and the most important parts of the video. Next, create an eye-catchy thumbnail for the video. And finally, post it on all your social media handles, your website, your blog, and wherever else your audience is.

Read: 6 Best Apps for Making Short Video Streams

These short video clips are ideal bite-size chunks to attract the audience and Instagram is a natural fit for such type of content. 10-20 seconds clips tend to capture the audience’s attention without pushing them to slow down their scrolling through the feed.

Pro-Tip: Try editing your short videos using captions, stickers, and GIFs to make them more attractive.

➡️Pull Out Interesting Quotes

Another popular technique for repurposing your old video content is to pull out exciting quotes and make snapshot images to share on your social media handles. You might want to use transcription software such as Descript to easily lift quotes from the video transcript and add them to still images. You can make them graphically appealing and engaging at the same time.

Pro-Tip: Tell your brand story using quotes that reflect your motto. Use these catchy headlines to grab your audience’s attention.

➡️Make Audio Podcasts

Podcasts are popular amongst people who prefer listening rather than watching. Converting your live video streams into audio podcasts will then significantly aid you in broadening your audience and tapping onto this segment of the consumers. All you need to do is turn your live stream into an audio file, clean up the glitches and remove the unnecessary instances, and post it out on popular podcast platforms such as SoundCloud and Spotify. The catch is to ensure premium quality audio before publishing because nobody wants to hear background noises or silence breaks in a podcast.

Read: Why Live Stream your Podcast?

Pro-Tip: Make a series of weekly podcast episodes and keep your audience coming back for more.

➡️Create Twitter Snippets

Add the extra pinch of exposure to your live video streams by repurposing them into brief Twitter snippets. These can be little teasers in the form of short video clips or still images with engaging titles and descriptions and a few trending hashtags. Don’t forget to add the link to your main content therein. Twitter is an incredibly versatile platform and you can play around with a variety of content here – short video clips, still images, and the written word ofcourse.

Read: 5 Reasons Why You Should Live Stream on Twitter

Pro-Tip: Take out a few compelling quotes from your live stream that sum up your brand and tweet them. These short and snappy tweets will generate grate engagement.

➡️Curate a Compelling Blog Post

Embed your video streams into your blog site to make your articles more engaging and compelling. Write exciting words to go around your video to make it easier for viewers and readers to absorb the content in the most effective manner. The views on the embedded videos also count towards the total number of video views, adding to the overall reputation of your videos.

Read: How Can Live Streaming Help in Boosting Your Blog Site?

Pro-Tip: Host your live stream on YouTube or Facebook, get the embed code and plug it in on your blog site. This will prove to be a great synergy between your different types of content.

➡️Draft an Email Campaign

Given that email marketing is the most effective promotional strategy out there, you can share your live streams in your emails and target your exact audience. You can generally not embed an entire video into the email, but you can add an appealing thumbnail and give the link to your video therein. You can combine this with a precise Call-to-Action and redirect your audience to your ultimate objective – visit your channel, watch your video, subscribe to your channel, and so forth.

Read: The New Email Marketing Hack: Grow Your Mailing List Using Live Streaming

Pro-Tip: Embed your live streams in an email newsletter and encourage your readers to subscribe to your social channels and share your live video. Offer a compelling call-to-action that they cannot ignore.

🎮 ReStreaming Old Videos with OneStream Live

Everything else done; you can simply reuse your old live streams and restream them. You can broadcast them again individually or create a Playlist. A Playlist might be an optimal idea when you want to make tutorials or presentations around a given topic, so you can compile all the similar and relevant videos together to make a bigger and better version.

With OneStream Live, you can live stream directly from your browser and even your smartphone without needing additional encoding software. OneStream Live is packed with intuitive features to make your live streams a success and make repurposing a breeze. You can record each of your live videos, download them quickly, and edit and repurpose them tactfully for use later. Since these streams are saved with high-resolution audio and video quality, you don’t need to worry about the quality of your repurposed content.

With the OneStream Event Schedule feature, you can schedule a video to go live or create an event link to share it on your social media and promote your video content. You can even create a playlist of your pre-recorded videos and schedule them to go live on your desired date and time. This will not only save up on your time and efforts but also make reusing old video content much easier and hassle-free. You can multiple the views and engagement on these videos by multistreaming them on multiple social media platforms and reaching out to a broader audience.

Read: When is Creating a Playlist Ideal for Pre-Recorded Streaming?

🎬 Wrapping Up

Repurposing old content and restreaming previous live streams is a simple yet effective technique to multiply your views and reach new audiences. Content creators seldom limit themselves to live streaming alone as they believe in maximizing the value of their content through repurposing. Remember, the more people discover your content, in whichever format that appeals the most to them, the faster your audience is expected to multiply and expand.

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OneStream Live is a cloud-based live streaming solution to create, schedule, and multistream professional-looking live streams across 45+ social media platforms and the web simultaneously. For content-related queries and feedback, write to us at [email protected]. You’re also welcome to Write for Us!

Picture of Saba Mohsin
Saba Mohsin
Saba is the Digital Marketing Manager at OneStream Live. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies, and a fusion of tech-savvy brilliance and narrative flair, she crafts compelling digital narratives that keep readers on the edge of their screens.


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