Challenges of Multistreaming and How to Streamline the Process

Challenges of Streaming on Multiple Platforms Simultaneously and How to Streamline the Process

The way we broadcast and consume content has evolved significantly. In recent years, it has even become a widespread trend to stream simultaneously on multiple platforms. With the global video streaming market reaching $91.53 billion in 2022, it’s no surprise that individuals, businesses, and content creators are delivering real-time content across various streaming platforms, social media channels, and websites to maximize their reach.

In this article, we’ll help you improve your live-streaming presence and stand out in the crowd. We’ll also provide valuable advice on how to optimize multistreaming for your content to attract the largest audience possible.

In this Article:

Common Challenges of Multistreaming

Multistreaming offers a cost-effective way to broaden your audience. With this practice, you can attract new viewers and increase your likelihood of discovery at a lower cost. If one platform experiences downtime, viewers can seamlessly transition to another, ensuring uninterrupted viewing, especially for global audiences. 

However, there is always a good side and a bad side to every story. In the case of streaming on multiple platforms, here are some of the challenges you may experience:


Multistreaming tends to be time-consuming because you have to manage multiple accounts and profiles across various platforms. Besides that, you have to monitor multiple chat rooms and keep track of your viewers and earnings. This can be overwhelming for beginners as it can cause stress and take up a significant amount of their time.

Struggle for Consistency

Maintaining consistent branding while multistreaming can be challenging because you might be unable to customize content for each platform. This may slow down brand growth, as different platforms have unique audiences and content styles. However, employing a versatile content snare alternative solution can help streamline your branding efforts across multiple platforms, ensuring a cohesive and recognizable presence regardless of where your audience is tuning in.

Potential Technical Issues

Multistreaming may cause potential technical issues due to differences in platform requirements. Each platform may have varying technical demands regarding bitrates, codecs, and streaming software compatibility. Without the proper knowledge and technical proficiency, this may pose difficulties while streaming. 

Possible Agreement Violation 

When multistreaming, you face the risk of platform violations if your content doesn’t meet the rules of a certain platform. You must be very careful when multistreaming as even harmless elements like background music or copyrighted images can trigger repercussions from censor boards. While multistreaming allows you to keep broadcasting if one platform blocks you temporarily, some platforms have strict policies against it, risking account suspension or termination.

One of the main goals of multistreaming is to expand your online audience by reaching more people with your livestream. In addition to expanding your audience, multistreaming offers unique opportunities for monetization and branding. Integrating custom merchandise into your strategy can boost engagement and open new revenue streams. Explore diverse swag options, from creatively designed hoodies to appealing merchandise, to resonate with viewers across platforms and enhance brand visibility.

With multistreaming, you can connect with your audience wherever they are and grow your viewership. However, keep in mind that each platform in your multistream list is different; some allow customization with your branding, while others don’t. 

If branding is crucial and you can’t afford customization options, sticking to one platform or streaming exclusively on your website might be a better choice. Similarly, if your goal is to boost views or followers on a specific platform, focusing your live streams solely on that platform and promoting them on social media could be more effective.

Read: The Ultimate Guide for Multistreaming: How to Start Streaming on Multiple Platforms in 2024

Top Tips on Effective Multistreaming

Once you decide that multistreaming is for you, it’s time to set your priorities. Statista shares that live streaming recorded an audience reach of almost 28% of Internet users worldwide in the second quarter of 2023. If you want to make the most out of these audience statistics, consider some of our effective tips for multistreaming to ensure the smooth delivery of your video content.

Choose Your Streaming Platforms

As mentioned earlier, platforms vary in what they can do, and users want different kinds of content. For example, if you’re sharing content about accelerated MSW programs, it’s important to find platforms that let you stream live and have the specific features you need as you stream. 

Ensure you strategically plan your simulcast. Start by identifying the platforms your target audience prefers and selecting those for your simulcast. Take note that every platform has distinct features and audience behavior. Understanding these elements in advance can help tailor your content to suit each platform’s audience better.

Below are some of the popular choices that can help make sure everyone can watch your content on their favorite platforms.

  • LinkedIn Live
  • Facebook Live
  • YouTube Live
  • Instagram Live 
  • X Live Stream
  • Twitch

Check Your Internet Speed

Live streaming consumes a lot of bandwidth. This bandwidth especially multiplies the moment you broadcast across multiple platforms. That can be problematic as it can overwhelm your network. 

To prevent streaming problems, have an Internet connection that is robust enough to handle the bandwidth demands of multistreaming. You may also consider upgrading your router or opting for a dedicated Internet connection for uninterrupted streaming.

Pick Your Multistreaming Method

Streaming on multiple platforms simultaneously can be challenging, especially for beginners. Therefore, it’s essential to select one that best suits your needs and preferences. When multistreaming, you have the option to choose from two available methods: 

  • Manual Scheduling and Broadcasting of Live Streams

To manually broadcast live streams, you have to send your stream separately to each platform, as you can’t send it to multiple destinations at once. This method takes a lot of time and resources but lets you reach different audiences simultaneously. However, since many audio-video sources don’t support this, you might need to invest in expensive hardware encoders. Even with these, you’ll still have to set up each stream separately using the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP).

  • Utilize an Online Multistreaming Tool

Use a live streaming software like OneStream Live to easily broadcast your content across multiple platforms. With OneStream Live, you can stream to platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and more, all at once. You can even stream to any custom RTMP destination allowing you to leverage all the platforms you prefer.

OneStream Live also lets you connect with your audience on various platforms efficiently without the hassle of manual broadcasting. This revolutionized approach enhances your online presence and optimizes your live-streaming strategy to connect and engage with viewers.

Engage Actively on Multiple Platforms

The audience will interact with you from various channels while you are live. To engage actively on multiple platforms, monitor comments and interactions from all platforms, and strive to engage with your audience equally across them. Some effective ways to maintain engagement are acknowledging comments, responding to questions, or simply interacting with your audience during the stream.

Keep Branding Consistent

Content can easily be lost on social media platforms today. That is the challenge when there are so many options available online. Keep your brand identity uniform across all platforms to ensure easy recognition of your content. Utilize consistent graphics, logos, colors, and communication tones to differentiate yourself and build trust with your audience. This way, they can immediately recognize your content.

Advertise Multistreaming in Advance

To boost viewership, make sure to promote your multistreaming event well in advance across all social media platforms. Increasing your audience’s awareness of the simulcast enhances the likelihood of their participation. Some of the ways you can share your event information effectively are by using email marketing, social media posts, or promotional videos.

Maximize Your Audience Reach with Efficient Multistreaming

Multistreaming offers an effective way to reach a broader audience. This method can boost your viewership, engagement, and subscriber count. While manual streaming on multiple devices gets the job done, it will require hardware encoders and know-how to make it efficient. Using a live streaming app like OneStream Live helps simplify the multistreaming process so you can focus on creating compelling content. 

By leveraging efficient multistreaming techniques, you can enhance your business communications and reap the benefits of multistreaming. Follow our tips to start maximizing your audience reach today.

OneStream Live is a cloud-based live streaming solution to create, schedule, and multistream professional-looking live streams across 45+ social media platforms and the web simultaneously. For content-related queries and feedback, write to us at [email protected]. You’re also welcome to Write for Us!

Picture of Saba Mohsin
Saba Mohsin
Saba is the Digital Marketing Manager at OneStream Live. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies, and a fusion of tech-savvy brilliance and narrative flair, she crafts compelling digital narratives that keep readers on the edge of their screens.


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