How Can Live Streaming Help in Boosting Your Blog Site?

Boost your blog site with live streaming

Want to get traffic to your blog and boost your blog site? Great news! You can promote your site by deploying several techniques, where live streaming tops the list. You heard right! Live streaming can turn your blog into the place to be for great content!

This blog will delineate the importance of live streams and how to drive traffic to your blog and give it a significant boost. Read on!

In this Article:

📺 Why is Live Streaming Making Headlines?

Live streaming has already become a great way to connect with your audience and spread your message with authenticity,” says Richard Hemingway, an expert writer at UK Writings. He adds that with live streams, you project the human face of your company front and center. You can also give your audiences a behind-the-scenes perspective of your business. Collectively, these things create a deeper connection between your brand and the consumers. The key question remains “How to increase blog traffic with live streaming?”

Read: A Beginner’s Guide to Live Streaming

📈 7 Ways To Use Live Streams To Boost your Blog

You can leverage live streaming to increase blog traffic and get you more customers. How? Simply by following these seven tips!

👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 Know Your Target Audience

First things first: Who is your audience?

For this part of live streaming, you’ll need to know your target audience ahead of time and then market your stream to that audience. With that said, you’ll need to research the following:

✅ Prospective businesses
✅ Community groups
✅ Non-profits
✅ Government agencies
✅ Fanbases
✅ Forums

💡 Pro-Tip: Maintain an outlook on social media, and see how many people (and influencers) mention your brand.

️️# Hashtags

People now use hashtags to talk about their favorite brands, companies, etc. Therefore, you’ll need to create a unique hashtag for your live-stream event. Having a hashtag allows people to share your live event on social media.

Remember: Keep your hashtag short, simple, and easy to remember. Plus, ensure that no one else is using the tag you want. And be meticulous about maintaining consistency with that created hashtag throughout your live event campaign.

OneStream Live facilitates its users for adding hashtags to their streams. When you schedule your video in the OneStream dashboard, you can include your desirable hashtags therein, avoiding the hassle of putting them up on each platform when you’re multistreaming.

Read: Instagram Hashtag Guide – How to Use Hashtags to Promote your Business

Besides having a unique hashtag to help people spread the word about your live event, be sure to share the link to your website when promoting your live event. That is what your ultimate goal is: to lead people to your blog via your live stream.

Include links in:

✅ Message
✅ Emails
✅ Press releases
✅ Videos

You’re giving people a reason to visit your site when you link it to your live stream. In other words, it gives people an incentive to check out what you have to show for your online presence.

🤳🏻 Encourage Live Tweeting, Posting, Etc.

Interestingly, people can post, tweet, and share your live stream as they watch you go live on the Internet. This strategy sparks excitement about your live stream to where people will want to flock to your event. They can also share screenshots and photos of your stream and encourage others to watch.

OneStream Live takes the lead here yet again. With pre-recorded streaming, it is possible to magnify and enhance your social media presence by generating real-time responses to incoming posts and tweets through live tweeting.

Read: How to Live Stream Pre-Recorded Videos on Facebook, YouTube, and Other Social Media?

📢 Promote, Promote, Promote!

Promotion can happen at any time of your campaign – before, during, and after (which we’ll get to later on) your live stream. It’s an excellent promotion technique and building a loyal fanbase because you’ll be sharing updates via email, social media, etc. Moreover, it creates a sense of urgency for people to watch the stream.

Read: 10 Effective Ways to Promote your Live Streams

🧏🏻 Make Your Stream Interactive

So, now that you’re streaming, it’s time to say and do things that your audience can interact with. Take it from professional live streamers who would typically engage their audiences through chat, polls, social media, and so on. The more interactive your stream is, the more people will watch and react to the stream and, eventually, drive traffic to your blog. You can even do Q&A sessions to keep people engaged. The catch is to give them a voice on your stream.

Read: Top 10 Content Ideas for Live Streaming

🚀 BONUS TIP:  Promote And Share AFTER Live Stream Ends

Just because your live stream may be over doesn’t mean the promotion ends here. Live streams are valuable, even when they’re completed. There’s a good chance that people will want to watch the stream again. So, you may want to continue promoting your stream so that you can get more views. You can even repackage it as something else to stay fresh to the public. Luckily, OneStream Live offers an amazing VOD feature whereby you can keep or delete your videos after the stream ends.

Read: Repurpose your Live Streams: Restream Old Videos for Better Audience Outreach

📢 Conclusion

So, there you have it!

Consider planning fun and exciting live streams that are effective for your blog.

And, if you wish to make your live streams look more professional while having them backed by analytics, then OneStream Live is the ultimate go-to cloud-based live streaming platform for a truly effective and seamless live streaming experience. With OneStream Live, you can multistream real-time or pre-recorded videos to over 40 social media and your website simultaneously, without much hassle, and with a professional outlook.

Download OneStream Mobile App.

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OneStream Live is a cloud-based live streaming solution to create, schedule, and multistream professional-looking live streams across 45+ social media platforms and the web simultaneously. For content-related queries and feedback, write to us at [email protected]. You’re also welcome to Write for Us!

Picture of Lauren Groff
Lauren Groff
Lauren Groff is a journalist and writer. Lauren writes about logistical challenges and contemporary supply chain management.


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