📰 OneStream Studio Beta Testing Makes Headlines
Launching an all-in-one live streaming solution that offers a world-class user experience is a pure act of labor and love. Our team has invested countless days and endless nights into building this platform that offers the best of the best. But we still don’t want any stone to remain unturned. So, we want you to test OneStream Studio to its maximum potential and let us know if there’s anything that we’ve missed out on. We just want to come up with a win-win situation for all of us.
Disclaimer: Only those users who have signed up for beta testing are given access to OneStream Studio.
🤩 Our Testers are Super Excited & Supercharged
Our beta testers are super excited and supercharged for testing OneStream Studio. They are running countless back-to-back streams and putting all the features to good use. They’re sharing their experience and how happy they are with OneStream Studio’s intuitive features – you name it, we have it. Alongside, they’re reporting bugs, and we’re fixing them in real-time to get things sorted for good. Our team tackles each query with technical hindsight, patience, and perseverance – we’ve all got our bets on OneStream Studio!

🎌 Beta Testing FAQs
If you’re in for beta testing for the first time, here are the FAQs to help you through and through:
🚩 Why is this guide important?
This guide is important so that you can get your beta testing issues fixed in real-time and participate in making OneStream Studio the best solution in the market.
🚩 What will I do during beta testing?
You will live stream to your heart’s content. You can play around with all the incredible features that the OneStream Studio beholds, absolutely free. You can share your experience with our community of beta testers, report your valuable feedback and suggestions to further improve the service, and even stream your shows live within the community.
🚩 What can I expect during beta testing?
During beta testing, you can expect some glitches and some bugs. All you need to do is report these issues so they can be fixed in good time before releasing the solution to the public.
🚩 What should I do if I find a bug?
If you find a bug, record a video or take a screenshot. Then write a brief description step-by-step to reproduce it so that the admins can easily understand it and help you in real-time.
🚩 How will OneStream Live help me?
You will get to meet our development team in the testing community for live fixing of issues.
🚩 Are there any rules for the beta testing group?
- Join our OneStream Fam for discussions on features, issues, news, and updates https://www.facebook.com/groups/onestreamlivecommunity
- Post only Studio-related bugs and queries. For any other bugs or technical issues, feel free to contact our technical support via live chat or email at [email protected]
- Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated.
- Self-promotion and spamming are not allowed in the group.
- We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
- Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.
🚩 Why should I participate in OneStream Studio beta testing?
Because your feedback is valuable! Your feedback will help us fix any glitches and bugs, and together we’ll create the best live streaming solution in the market.
🚩 Where do I find future updates related to OneStream Studio?
For all the updates and announcements related to OneStream Studio, stay pinned to our Studio Webpage and Blog.
If you have any feature requests, share your ideas away!
If you’re still waiting to get access to OneStream Studio, rest assured, we’re really, really close to the public release, we promise!
OneStream Live is a cloud-based live streaming solution to create, schedule, and multistream professional-looking live streams across 45+ social media platforms and the web simultaneously. For content-related queries and feedback, write to us at [email protected]. You’re also welcome to Write for Us!