Top Live Streaming Stats You Should Know for 2024

Live Streaming Statistics

In 2024, the world of live streaming is set to reach new heights, with millions of people tuning in to watch their favorite content online. If you’re curious about the current state of live streaming and want to stay ahead of the game, then you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the top live streaming statistics that you should know for 2024. Let’s get started!

In this Article:

The Rise of Live Streaming

Live streaming has witnessed an incredible rise in popularity, transforming the way we consume media and revolutionizing the entertainment industry. Here are some fascinating statistics that showcase the impact and growth of live streaming:

  1. 23% of global viewing time is spent watching live content: Live video has secured an impressive 23% share of the global viewing time, marking a substantial achievement for the live streaming industry.
  2. 42% of people in the US have watched live-streamed content: The popularity of live-streamed content is evident as nearly half of the American population engages with it, showcasing its widespread appeal. 
  3. 44% of viewers watch less TV due to live streaming: Live streaming platforms have chipped away at traditional TV viewership, with 44% of viewers reducing their television consumption in favor of live streaming. 
  4. Audiences watched nearly 9 billion hours of live streaming content in the last quarter: The immense popularity of live streaming is quantifiable in the astounding 8.99 billion hours of live stream content consumed in Q2 2021 alone, indicating a significant increase from the previous quarter. 

5. The global live streaming market is estimated to reach over $247 billion by 2027: Forecasts predict a market value of nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars by 2027, with a projected 28.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

Bonus Point: Start live streaming on your favorite social media platforms and the web with OneStream Live. OneStream Live is a cloud-based live streaming solution that allows content creators, brands, and businesses to live broadcast pre-recorded videos, go live in real-time via any third-party app such as Zoom, XSplit, Ecamm, OBS, etc., or live stream directly from your browser using OneStream Live Studio. Furthermore, if you want to live stream on a website, create a personalized webpage using Hosted Live Pages and live stream on it.

Key Stats

Here are some key statistics for 2024 that highlight its incredible reach and impact:


  1. 80% increase in YouTube Live video watch time since 2019
  2. 1 billion hours of live streaming video consumed daily on mobile devices
  3. 34.7% of US viewers aged 18-34 use YouTube Live
  4. YouTube Gaming dominates, with 6.51 billion hours watched per quarter.


  1. Over 100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook every day.
  2. Facebook Live videos drive around 3x more engagement than traditional videos. This includes comments, shares, and reactions.
  3. People comment 10x more on live videos than regular videos on Facebook. This shows the increased interactivity and audience participation in live streams.
  4. Facebook Live was the most used video platform in 2023. This signifies its dominance in the live streaming space.


  1. Instagram Live makes up 24% of total brand live streaming across social media
  2. 38% of marketers prefer Instagram Live for their live video experiences
  3. Among popular live video platforms, Instagram Live is used by 13% of marketers
  4. Instagram Live videos on average receive 37% more engagement than standard Instagram video posts
  5. 64% of Instagram Live viewers are more interested in live videos from brands they follow


  1. TikTok boasts 1.7 billion active users globally, making it a powerhouse platform for live content.
  2. Live streaming viewership is surging, with 33.5M of live stream viewers tuning in on TikTok. 
  3. TikTok live streams are particularly popular among Gen Z users, solidifying its position as a trendsetting platform for the younger generation.


  1. Twitch has 71 million hours watched daily. Twitch viewers collectively spend a staggering amount of time on the platform, consuming over 2.6 billion hours of content per month.
  2. At any given moment, around 2.5 million people are watching streams on Twitch, showcasing its vibrant and engaged community.
  3. Gen Z and Millennials make up the bulk of Twitch’s audience, with 70% of viewers falling within this age range.
  4. Twitch has 7.58 million monthly active streamers. A diverse and ever-growing pool of creators broadcast gameplay, music, art, and more on Twitch.

Insights for Businesses & Marketers

Live streaming is rapidly becoming a crucial tool for businesses and marketers, offering powerful engagement, increased sales, and brand building opportunities. Here are some key statistics highlighting its significance in 2024:

  1. 46% of marketers utilize live video as a social media tactic, highlighting its growing prevalence.
  2. 88% of marketers believe live video is an effective marketing tool, showcasing widespread confidence in its impact.
  3. 80% prefer watching live video over reading blogs
  4. 45% would pay to watch live video content from favorite teams or performers
  5. 55% of companies utilize live videos for presentations and training, showcasing their effectiveness in knowledge sharing.
  6. 96% of consumers have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product.
  7. 91% of consumers want to see more online video content from brands, indicating a strong demand for live video engagement.

Most Popular Live Video Content

Live video content is booming across platforms, captivating audiences with its interactive and dynamic nature. Here are some of the most popular categories right now, backed by statistics:


71 million hours watched daily on Twitch, League of Legends, GTA V, and Valorant are top streams. 


Music videos are still top global reach, with 49% of viewers watching weekly. 

Education and Tutorials

26.4% of respondents watch tutorials or how-to videos, webinars and educational sessions gaining traction.

Product Demos and E-commerce

Live e-commerce market size is expected to reach $269 billion by 2025.

Predicting Future Trends

Live streaming has catapulted from a niche hobby to a mainstream phenomenon, blurring the lines between entertainment, education, and commerce. But what does the future hold for this fast-evolving world? We’re about to strap on our VR headsets and journey into the uncharted territory of live streaming’s next chapter.

Immersive Experiences Take Center Stage

Say goodbye to the flat screen, because virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are ready to revolutionize live streaming. Imagine exploring a live concert in 3D, attending a cooking class alongside the chef in their virtual kitchen, or even participating in a live escape room with friends around the globe. The possibilities are as limitless as your imagination.

AI Personalizes Your Stream

Tired of endless scrolling to find something interesting? Artificial intelligence (AI) is stepping in to curate your perfect live stream experience. Imagine an AI assistant recommending streams based on your interests, language, and even mood. Personalized recommendations and dynamic content adjustments will redefine audience engagement.

Micro-Streaming Reigns Supreme

Attention spans are getting shorter, and so are stream lengths. Short-form, snackable content will dominate, with platforms like TikTok and Instagram already leading the charge. Get ready for quick bursts of entertainment, education, and even shopping sprees – all within minutes.

E-commerce Goes Live, 24/7

Live shopping is exploding, and the future is even brighter. Imagine virtual stores with interactive product demonstrations, real-time influencer endorsements, and immediate purchase options – all streamed live, anytime, anywhere. Shopping will become an immersive, social experience, blurring the lines between entertainment and consumption.

The Rise of the Citizen Broadcaster

Everyone has a story to tell, and live streaming will empower everyday people to become citizen journalists, educators, and entertainers. Platforms will focus on democratizing content creation, making it easier than ever for anyone to share their passions and expertise with the world.

Read More: Live Streaming in 2024: Trends, Innovations & Predictions

Final Word

So there you have it! The live streaming universe is a vibrant, ever-evolving beast, and these stats are your roadmap to navigating its exciting possibilities. Whether you’re a streamer, a brand, or simply a curious viewer, remember: the future is live, and it’s gonna be epic. Now go forth, grab your camera, and start creating your own piece of the live streaming story!

OneStream Live is a cloud-based live streaming solution to create, schedule, and multistream professional-looking live streams across 45+ social media platforms and the web simultaneously. For content-related queries and feedback, write to us at [email protected]. You’re also welcome to Write for Us!

Picture of Sehar Altaf
Sehar Altaf
Sehar is an SEO and content marketing specialist and a writer who covers topics ranging from tech and SaaS to life and everything in between.


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